Performance Art

“To the slow, rhythmic beat from a reindeer-skinned frame drum, under the flickering lights of a ring of oil lamps, we enter the classrooms of our original ancestors. Here is a primal experience critical to the reimagining of humanity’s place on earth.”

Red Iron Caves is offering performance art events and rituals that help connect us to nature and to the Earth. Rituals that honor the rise and fall of the sun, the bounty of harvest season, and the inextricable bond we share with this planet. The first is The Republic of Thundering Hoofs, a three-act Paleolithic Performance Art evening celebrating the role that the American Bison played in creating the wealth of America in the Pleistocene era. Opening August 28th, 2023.

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The Republic of Thundering Hoofs

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Bison School

These lessons help decommission our current specie-centrism by realigning us with our indigenous place on this planet. Some call this ReWilding.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious,
it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

— Carl Jung